
Applying for scholarships can be time-consuming, but so worth it to help pay for college. I’m here to give you my best tips on how to write a kickass scholarship essay that’ll help your application stand out. Trust me, with a little planning and effort, you’ve so got this.


Know the Scholarship Provider

Before you start writing, do your research on who is offering the scholarship. Check out their website and get familiar with their mission and values.


Why This Matters

When you tailor your essay to the scholarship provider, it shows them you care about what they care about. This makes your essay way more relevant! Plus, seeing how your goals align can give you inspiration for how to approach your essay.

Read the Essay Prompt Thoroughly

Don’t just skim the essay question – really break it down so you understand what info they want from you. Underline key phrases that tell what the provider is looking for in an ideal candidate. Focus on the relevant traits, strengths, or experiences they want you to highlight in your response.


Ask These Key Questions

  • Am I going to focus on academics, leadership, community service, or something more specific?
  • Should my response be formal or more relaxed in tone based on my audience?
  • Do I need to include professional accomplishments or personal life experiences that shaped me?
  • How long should my essay be – are there set word/page limits to follow?

Thinking through prompts like these will prepare you to directly address all the components in your essay.

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Brainstorm Stories, Challenges, Achievements

Set a timer for 10 minutes and list out your relevant experiences related to the values and traits mentioned in the scholarship prompt. These will be the building blocks of your essay. Think about:

  • Jobs, internships, or volunteer work especially for leadership/community service scholarships
  • Clubs, sports teams, or causes you contributed to
  • Classes, projects, or publications for academics
  • Financial difficulties for perseverance scholarships
  • Cultural heritage for minority scholarships

Find Your Theme

Circle 2-3 of your strongest examples that best showcase traits or skills the scholarship provider cares about. Identify the common thread among these examples. Summarize that in 1-2 sentences – this will be the overarching theme or focus of your entire essay.

Craft an Attention-Grabbing Introduction

With your theme in mind, draft an intro paragraph hooking the reader right off the bat. Share an emotional anecdote, use a striking description, or pose an intriguing question to draw your audience into your story. Just make sure it’s relevant to the overall direction of your essay and what the provider is seeking.

Ways to Make Your Opening Shine

  • Tell a short personal story that captures the adversity or opportunity setting up your journey
  • Open with an inspiring quote or dialog with someone who impacted your path
  • Paint a detailed illustration of a meaningful moment that shaped your perspective
  • State an interesting fact or statistic about the field tied to the scholarship

However you grab attention up front, have the reader dying to keep going!

Outline 2-3 Key Examples Expanding on Your Theme

Under each example headline from your brainstorm, jot quick bullet points hitting the high notes. Include things like:

  • Who was involved? Describe them.
  • When/where did this take place? Set the scene.
  • What challenges or turning points did you face? Show your thought process.
  • What actions did you take in response? Emphasize initiative.
  • What were the outcomes or your proudest moments? Highlight accomplishments.
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Why Outline First

Building an essay outline forces you to really analyze your experiences and also plan how to connect them fluidly. This way, you already have your content structured before drafting paragraphs – making writing so much easier!

Bring Your Examples to Life with Vivid Detail

With your structured outline as a guide, start expanding on each example in paragraph form. Transport the reader right into the moments that convey what makes you exceptional through vivid imagery and sensory descriptions.

Tips for Adding Texture

  • Zoom in on sights, sounds, scents surrounding your best stories.
  • Share the hilarious/inspiring things real people said – use actual dialogue.
  • Be authentic explaining the mental/emotional highs and lows in first-person.
  • Analyze the significance by connecting details back to positive traits/skills you gained.

With rich scenes and insight straight from you, readers are immersed in your journey!

Connect Examples Back to Overarching Theme

After each paragraph elaborating on separate examples, clearly call out how they collectively demonstrate the central theme you identified as essential to the scholarship provider. Keep tying accomplishments back to their values in a seamless thread throughout.

Why Consistent Linking Matters

  • Shows alignment between your proven strengths & sponsor’s ideal recipient
  • Creates natural bridges between diverse examples & experiences
  • Emphasizes depth/breadth of your embodiment of their mission
  • Prioritizes their cares in your growth rather than just boasting

Strengthen Your Case in the Conclusion

Wrap up by recapping your introduction and key qualification points that brought your essay full circle. End by visualizing how you see yourself paying the scholarship’s investment forward either in your future career or by giving back to issues important to the provider.

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Final Tips to Drive Your Case Home

  • Express genuine passion/gratitude for their recognition/support
  • Project your trajectory to keep excelling in ways vital to the sponsor
  • Inspire pride in their role empowering you onward & upward
  • If allowed, share next steps you’ve already initiated toward your goals

The conclusion is critical for clearly showing how this scholarship would springboard you toward shared change and advancement!

Revise for Clarity, Flow, and Strength

Print out your draft after taking a break from it and read out loud as if you’ve never seen it before. Mark areas that feel disjointed or places telling weaker examples. Ensure your essay:

Key Indicators of a Strong Draft

  • Has seamless flow moving between ideas
  • Uses transition phrases linking one thought to the next
  • Varies sentence structure with short, punchy wording mixed with longer descriptive lines
  • Has consistent verb tense and proper grammar/spelling
  • Provides well-rounded evidence of your best self!

With another proofread polished draft in hand, get ready to win that scholarship!

I hope breaking down the full process of perfecting your essay makes getting started much less intimidating. Remember what an amazing investment this is toward your future. You so deserve this – now go rock that application! Let me know if you have any other questions!

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